Montessori North Oxford


The Montessori approach to child education is based on principles developed in the early 1900s by an Italian educationalist, Dr Maria Montessori, recognised in recent years as an outstanding pioneer in early-years education.

Her ideas have not only been incorporated into mainstream education but also into modern management and high-tech entrepreneurship.

We offer a carefully prepared environment designed to stimulate your child's natural interests and allow him or her to set an individual developmental pace.


Main tenets underpinning the Montessori philosophy are summarised as:

The net result is that the child is self-motivated, learning through their own actions, at their own pace and on their own terms, comfortable in questioning in their acquisition of knowledge.

Environment & Teacher

Montessori nurseries differentiate themselves by the classroom environment. The furniture, teaching materials, learning tools and the ambience are designed to create an environment where the child is at ease, learning is both fascinating and joyful, stimulating further discovery and the exercise of decision-making, growing in confidence and independence.

The role of the "teacher" is critical too. Through careful observation of each child, the "teacher" directs that child towards activities that fulfil that child's needs, i.e. is specific to that child. The observational acuity of the Montessori "teacher" knowns as a Directress is highly developed.

Beyond …

The Montessori approach is not simply concerned with intellectual rigour but seeks to create a "well-rounded" individual. The Montessori approach is a universal one, equally suitable for the gifted and the challenged, and thrives in an international or multi-cultural setting. The overall goal is to foster a confident, happy child, instilled with an enthusiasm for learning and armed with a healthy respect for others. Not surprisingly, Montessori alumni are over-represented in Silicon Valley and in the Arts/Media professions.

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